Saturday, January 23, 2010


First and foremost - I have to have a better picture taken to post!!  That said - let me tell you - Travis and I  had another "date" tonight - wow 2 in one\ two weeks - last time I counted it was more like 1 time in 6 months!  T and I went to see "BOOK OF ELI" partly because of an article I read in the paper today.  I was so impressed with Denzel Washington and the revelation he had arrived at: "that we are to do more than live on this earth for what we can aquire and enjoy."  At the end of the article published in the Tyler Morning Telegraph, Denzel said: "While reading the Book of Proverbs recentley, he began looking at "all the stuff."  This led to a sobering question: "What do you want Densel?"  He forcused on "wisdom", which let to the word "understanding."  I (Denzel) said, "Hey, there's something to work on.  How about Wisdom and Understanding."  I said, "God, give me a dose of that," said Washington. "I mean, I can't get any more successful, you know, but I can get better.  I can learn to love more.  I can learn to be more understanding.  I can gain more wisdom.  So that is where I'm at."  Wow what an example and so refreshing to come from someone that millions pay money to watch!  I hope that each one of us can say all of that!  I often look around at all my "stuff" and think I should get rid of some of it -- but for the most part -- I did not buy it -- it was given to me in a loving act.  Nothing expensive - just love offerings and they are a comfort!  Thank you - each and everyone that gave me any of the "Stuff" I display in my home!  Now as far as the movie was concerned, the verdict is still out - and I can tell you, in my opinion,  it will take some movie to replace "BLINDSIDE!"
Have you ever felt like everyone was trying to run over you?  That is exactly how I felt each time I got out on the streets today!  If not idiots - driving like Bats out of H....", it was teenagers seeing how much of Daddy's gas they could burn in one takeoff - or racing through parking lots, or pulling out in front of someone.     It is amazing what the precentage of wrecks - just in Smith County include a teenager.
The last three wrecks I was involved in was caused by either illegal children that did not have a license or  teens who were in "Daddy's sports car and chose to drive too fast and ran into the back of us!    Most of them were texting, talking to a friend on a cell phone, or just driving too fast without the knowledge needed.  Part of how I learned to drive was at  my best friend's farm.  Her sweet dad would just turn us loose and we would drive whatever was available - and that "available" most likely would not go in reverse - so - you know what - we learned to either just keep going or make a "big U-turn (before we even knew what a U turn was!)  Now I can turn on a dime, and with that combined with the teaching I received from an understanding Dad -- I have been very lucky. Thanks to two wonderful Dads that loved his daughters!  Oh - I wasn't alway so "wise" or lucky.  On July 5, 19 -- well I'm not telling the date - but my best friend, Mary and I had gone swimming and "flirting" in Sabine and a bad storm came up.  We raced to the car and took off toward home "way too fast" -- as it started to rain, I slammed on the brakes and the big new Buick I was in started to spin and then turn over.  I can still remember reaching up and turning off the radio.  God is good - because we walked away without a scratch - but to this day - on JULY 5 of each year I remember that day and slow down!  With those two lessons - I became a very good and responsible driver.  I am not saying something won't happen tomorrow - but it won't be because I am deliberately being irresponsible!!
So - I could give you a recipe to try tomorrow - but TAKE A BREAK - go out to eat - meet me for Mexican - - and be ready tomorrw night for the start of some great "SUPER" recipes!  Please think like Denzel - "how can I be better" - "who can I befriend - who have I not taken the time time to meet - how can I make life better for the people I love and for the people I don't yet know??"  God Bless each and see you tomorrow - God's Will!

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