Monday, November 29, 2010


I certainly hope all of you had a blessed and filling Thanksgiving. We did. I cooked and cooked and cooked and loved all of it -- well except for the brine for turkey spilling all over my cabinet and floor! Today I worked very hard at work - lots of inquiries, phone calls, etc. In addition, I am typing all of the recipes for our Church Christmas brunch so we can get them out to the precious ladies that have agreed to help us!! BLess their wonderful hearts!!!
Tonight I made homemade chicken enchiladas with homemade tomatillio sauce! Very good - but I am worn out - not from the making them, but from the cleaning up!!! I did serve homemade lemon icebox pie -- made with fresh lemons off one of my lemon trees! They are so sweet - you can just eat them like grapefruit - which I've also been having off our tree! Such fun and delicious!!! Already finished off all of the manderin oranges!!!
I have been really worried about friends of ours that are having marital problems. I wish they would remember what they promised to one another and more importantly to God "in sickness and health, in good and bad, TILL DEATH WE PART." Those are pretty serious promises to God -- and he expects us to keep our promise to Him and our partner. A friend told me many years ago - after going through a divorce (probably her choice), a relationship, and then marrying someone else: "You can choose to love whoever you want to!" She went on to say "if I had realized this - I would still be married to ______________!" And you can - you can focus on the bad -- and there will be bad - there will be promises unfulfilled - there will be disappointments - there will be unhappiness - but was it only because of the promises and the dreams (that haven't come true) - that you made that promise to one another and to God???? This is especially true if there are children involved! I've even heard, "well I want better for little Johnny or little Janie" but will money and a big and better house be better than the love of both parents?? I heard Dr. Laura on the radio the other day chastize a woman because her husband had cheated and she wanted out -- but when Dr. Laura asked it there was a child - and there was - she asked the husband if he was willing to stay and try to make it work and he said "anything" and she told the woman she owed it to their child to live there and not worry about herself - but be nice, don't make snide remarks - but make it a pleasant home for the child." Great advise!!! No one has the perfect marriage - yes - some have better than others -- they truly love one another - and most all promises have come true - but they put God first -- and the failures and disappointments are small in comparrison with pleasing God and one another. Many of the people wanting out right now need to stop thinking about ME and start thinking about the other one and how you can make them happy!! I wish each of them would read the book "LOVE DARE" but not just read it -- but do it!!! No - my marriage is not perfect by a long shot -- but we are not leaving one another because it is not perfect. We continue to look to God for help and we respect one another and deep down our love continues to grow -- even after 48 years!! (Yes - I was a very young child bride -- I also have a beach front house in Arizona I will sell you - if you believe that!!!

Oh - yes - let's cook something before I have to go do the rest of my duties before going to bed!!! Like finish cleaning the kitchen and Michelle's face!!

I made an awesome turkey ball with the left over roasted turkey. I used food processor and ground up about a cup and half of turkey. Combined it with 8 oz. cream cheese, about 3 oz. pimento cheese I had in refrigerator (in place of extra cheese I was going to use), about 1/4th cup dried cranberries, several dashes of dried minced onion, and garlic. See I really didn't measure anything, just added a tad of mayonaise, a little salt and pepper, several dashes of Pensey's Foxpoint, and about a tablespoon full of Raspberry/Cranberry Vinaugrette bt Earth and Vine sold at Sweet Gourment - and beat it all until well combined. Then formed a ball and rolled it in crushed red pepper and chopped pecans. It really was very good! Wish I had another The cranberries are what really made it special - as they do everything you use them in!!!! I use sack after sack of them (from Sam's!!!)

Have a great evening - encourage someone you know to stay married and choose to love the other! God will be very pleased with you and with them! What a gift that would be for someone! Talk with you soon!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


My it has been such a busy time!!! Michelle finally had that birthday we have been talking about since last November 23 - the day after the last one!! ha. Then on Wednesday I took one of my last few vacation days for 2010 and cooked. It was so wonderful - being alone in my kitchen - (well except for the 3 wonderful little schnauzers that kept checking to see if I had dropped something on the floor or they could talk me out of!) with total silence - no radio, no TV - just me and my pots and pans!!! OF course, sometimes when I got a pan out - several others complained and it was quite loud then!! Cooked for friends that needed help and loved it!! Today I cooked for my family - and really loved that too! That was one big bird and one big pan of dressing!!! Pies weren't shabby either!!! Then Travis got to say the blessing with chimes going off that made us feel like we might have been in the bell tower!! Ha. My brother-in-law has over 100 clocks in his house and they starte their chimes just as T started praying! Sounded really neat!!! The dressing was really good and my Mom really bragged on it and said it was some of the best she had ever eaten! Must have been really hungry - because the cornbread in it was made from Jiffy (and she always said she doesn't like sweet cornbread in the dressing) - and it had 3 minced garlic cloves (and she doesn't like anything with garlic) and several dashes of cayenne - hmmmm!!!!

As I cooked yesterday and today - I thought of things that have changed - at least for me that is!! You've all probably heard the story about grandma and how she always cut off the end of a roast before she put it in the pot. Then her daughter did the same thing - without questioning "why!" Her daughter saw this and was curious and finally asked her Mom why did cut off the end of the roast before she put it in the pot! Her Mom said, "Why that is what Momma always did!" Not satisfied the curious daughter went to Grandma and asked her the same question, to which Grandma replied, "Because the roast was too big for my pot!! Well, I always watched my Mom peel and apple and for so many years thought an apple had to be peeled - going round and round the apple - trying to not let the peel break until the apple was completely cleaned. Duh - do you know I finally thought "there has to be a faster way!" There is!!! Cut it in half, then cut each half in half. Then you can peel the quarters in about 2 to 3 swipes -- done!!!! Then today I was chopping up green onions for my dressing and taking each one and holding it against my thumb and cutting, cutting, cutting - just like I had always seen my Mom do! My thumb was really getting sore - being almost chopped each time I cut. So thinking - there must be a better way - I got out the cutting board, and after cleaning the onions, laid three to four down at a time, and went up that onion - chopping away - and it was faster, and thumb was saved!!!

Yesterday - I found out why they invented Brown Sugar. Travis had made the remark that his Mom used to make the best Caramel Pies. Well, was that a challenge or what? I called my Mom and asked her how to make them. She said it had been so long she wasn't sure. Together we pretty well put it together. It is a cream pie with a meringue - and all of the recipes in cookbooks say use brown sugar -- but Travis' Mom and mine were making that pie before the discovery of brown sugar. You actually take white sugar - a little over a cup (1-1/4 cup) sugar and put it in a heavy iron skillet and melt the sugar and let it caramelize until desired darkness. Well I started it off really low heat and that just doesn't work -- heat has to be really hot to melt sugar. When I finally figured that out some of it had turned into hard little crystals - but after most of it finally did melt, I added 1/4 cup butter (remember I am making it up as I go!) and then I added flour. Then I had caramel candy. I just know - add a little vanilla and I could have made the little caramel candies - you know the ones wrapped in individual wraps! Then I added my milk and eggs (3 eggs and 2 cups of milk) and teaspoon of vanilla. Looked like a pie to me so I put it in the baked pie shell -- topped it with meringue and there we had the "Old Fashion Caramel Pie." By the time Travis got home - the meringue had split open and the pie had turned syrupy! It had a great taste - but Travis would have had to go out and buy me something with diamonds to get me to do that again. It took over an hour -- next time I will choose one of the recipes that calls for BROWN SUGAR!!!!!

Well - between me hitting the key that turns off the internet (I wish there was a way to turn that little buddy off) and some problems with Blogger - I am lucky to get this posted. I am going to get off before it is all wiped away -- although I did copy it and save it to Word!!!

Have a blessed evening -- hope you gave thanks for this wonderful country we live in and the blessings we all enjoy! This weekend take the opportunity to do something good for someone else. IT FEELS GOOD!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010


My goodness - it sure gets late fast doesn't it?? Michelle's birthday is quickly coming to an end and I believe it was a great day - although she really likes a party and lots of attention and gifts - she still had pizza with her 93 (well on Sunday she wil be), aunt, Mom and little cousin! Lots of presents and then tonight we went to the new Chinese food place on Old Jacksonville behind the new Chicken Express. The taste was delicous - but I think Michelle and I got ripped off. We ordered the House Fried Rice with beef, chicken and shrimp. This hugh bowl came out (a single entry) and there was two shrimp, maybe 4 pieces of chicken and about the same of beef. There was so much rice - we left about 2 cups -- didn't take it home -why would we -- just rice?? Ok , Ok, I know I've had too much food today and Yes - it is protein only, yes I heard myself - protein only for the next two days and then after Thursday - whatever it takes??

Today I found the most awesome recipes and after I try them - I will surely post them for each of you! Recipes for great sounding Sour Cream Bran Muffins, Apricot Nut Bread, Festive breakfast Brunch - several great sounding recipes. But tonight -- first off - I want to share a recipe I plan to make this Thanksgiving - (just added it tonight) - it is one a friend at work said she makes every year -- and to think - I've never heard of it!!

Take any cream pie recipe (I plan to use my Mom's Coconut Cream Pie recipe (Pubished 2/14/2010) - leave out the coconut and add the 1/4th to 1/2 cup of chopped Maraschino cherries. Kim said she also puts some red sprinkles on top! I know it sounds like a great Christmas recipe - but she does it for Thanksgiving and if Steve (My brother-in-law and Maura like it - I might make it again for Christmas!!

Tonight I want to share something my cousin sent me with permission to use - and I think at this time when we gather to give thanks for all of our blessings and to remember those that are suffering at this time - this is very appropriate!!

Coping with Consequences
James 1:2
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trails.”

I read somewhere, “you can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him.”
I have found great help from two truths God gave me at a time in my life when I was bombarded with a series of unexpected and unfair blows(from my perspective). In my darkest hours these principles still become my anchor of stability, my only means of survival.

Because they work for me, I pass them on to you.

Nothing touches me that has not passed through the hands of my Heavenly Father. Nothing! Whatever occurs, God has sovereignly surveyed and approved. We may not know why, but we do know our pain is no accident to Him who guides our lives.
The will of God never takes you where the Grace of God will not protect you.
Everything I endure is designed to prepare me for serving others more effectively. Everything! Since my Heavenly Father is committed to shaping me into the image of His Son, He knows the ultimate value of this painful experience. It is being used to empty our hands of our own resources, our own sufficiency, and turn us back to Him---the faithful Provider. And God knows what will get through to us.

Things may not be logical or fair, but when God is directing the events of our lives, they are right.

“May the Lamb that was slain receive the rewards of His suffering.”

I am thankful for my cousin - he just went through the removal of a malignant malanoma above his eye - and could still write something as profound and insightful as this as an encouragement to others. Thanks Bob!!!

I wish I knew what recipe you were wishing for -- and if I have it - I would be glad to share. Some have been surprised that I have posted some of my "signature' recipes - but if I can help just one of you have a better appreciation of cooking and provide THE BEST FOR your family - then sharing a recipe is the least I can do!Have a blessed evening - wait patiently for tomorrow - and accept the day as God's blessing. Good night.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Good evening. I havn't been blogging enough, but I have been under the weather (now that is an old fashion term) but I had some electrolyte problems and did not have to energy to hardly lift the cover of my laptop - but I think we have perhaps found the problem and it is on its way to being solved. I am definitely better today! Thank goodness - with Thanksgiving knocking on the door - right after Michelle's birthday tomorrow! Three big days in one week - that would tire anyone out! Michelle's birthday is always a big day and on Tuesday she will start telling me what day it is on next year!! Then turkey day - and on Saturday, my Mom turns 93!! Not only a big day - but a big number! So thankful to still have her and her be in as good of health as she is!

I have just got to update my table of contents and get it out on line so you can find it - and so I can know exactly what recipes I've given and what I haven't. Just can't seem to get my arms around the fact that is is definitely time to talk holiday cooking precidence over other recipes!! First off - my dear sister is going to make the Pecan Pie for Thanksgiving - so I am now going to give you the easiest and best Pecan Pie recipe --So Delicious!!


Preheat oven to 300 degrees.

3 Eggs
1 Cup sugar
Dash of salt (about 1/8th tsp Alice!!)
2 Tablespoons butter, melted
1 Cup light Karo syrup
1 Cup Pecans (Whole halves)
1 Pie crust
Beat eggs, add sugar and beat until combined well. Add salt,melted butter, and Karo syrup. Mix well and stir in Pecans.

Place pie crust into 9 inch pie pan and crimp. Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour. Allow
to cool before cutting. I like to bake my pecan pie on the morning we are going to eat it! I just like fresh!! I have one friend that has had her dressing in the freezer for over 3 weeks now! But I have already covered dressing on Facebook! But my Mom's chicken (We just like the chicken in the dressing and then have roasted turkey)and dressing was posted on my blog January 4, 2010!! It is so delicious and that is what I will be cooking on Thanksgiving morning. I will have onion and celery already cut up and the chicken cooked. Then I just put it together and bake. No soup in mine either!!!

My sister is also going to make English Pea Salad - there are just some things like that and mashed potatoes that the guys think they must have! So here is my recipe for English Pea Salad!


2 Cans LeSuer English peas
2 boiled eggs, peeled and chopped
2 Tablespoons sweet pickle relish
1 Tablespoon chopped red pimento
2 to 3 Tablespoons mayonnaise (and when I make it I use Helmann's Light)
1/2 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1/8 tsp. (a dash) of cayenne pepper

Just mix, chill, and serve!!(Sometimes I put in a surprise - like a few chopped pecans, or water chestnuts! You know - keep them guessing! If my brother-in-law wasn't such a sissy where hot food is concerned - I would definitely add some jalapeno!!

Guess by now you are wondering what I am going to cook besides dressing. Well - the turkey for one thing! I plan to go by sweet gourmet and buy the brinning salt & seasoning and brine the turkey before I bake it. Yes - just like homemake dressing -- it is more trouble - but I did it last year and it was the juciest and best turkey I had ever cooked! I am also going to make deviled eggs. I am sure everyone knows how to make them -- but this year half of mine (well - maybe just a third) will have some chopped jalapenos, a third will have pecans, and a third will just be plain jane!!!

I am also going to make a chocolate pie - the one I posted in my blog on 2-16-2010, and the Mile High meringue also on blog on 2-14-10.

I still have not decided what to make for another "Green dish." I sometimes do the green bean casserole but substitute asparagus and that is good -- but I want a cleaner dish - by that I mean healtier. Maybe some roasted or baked asparagus! Will let you know what I decide!

Between planning Thanksgiving - I am looking for just the right recipes for our all church Christmas brunch! We sent around sign up sheets this morning for ladies to sign up if they were willing to cook something. We asked for a phone number and email so that we could get back to them with the recipe we needed for them to cook. I certainly hope that we didn't offend anyone by saying we would furnish the recipe -there was a method to our asking -- we want everything to be uniform and not such a big variety of say - monkey bread - that folks would want to try one of each! We know they all have wonderful recipes are are great cooks!! This will be such a help to us too!

Tomorrow night I will give you a White Punch Recipe that is truly delicious and a great substitute for eggnog.

My sweet little niece just called to say she and her dad were back home! I am always so thankful when she gets home!! We missed her so much today. It was a very quiet trip to church and back!!! Love you Maura!!

Well - I still have birthday presents to wrap!! Got to get busy -- oh yes - I do have to go to work tomorrow!! Have a blessed evening - and be making a list of all the things you have to be thankful for!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Good evening! I have been printing - or trying to print the Pilot Light that I write each month and finally had to get on Travis' computer to do it! I am about sick of trying to own a laptop because it won't do anything I try to do!!

There is so much going on that I find myself a little overwhelmed! Thank the good Lord for Sisters - more specifically my sister!!! She is an angel -- she came over this morning and got all of the stuff (well not really - she is providing the flour, powdered sugar, and cinnamon) - to make four Pumpkin rolls. Now she has never made them -- but she was excited after she had the first 2 in the refrigerator that she now knew how! Thank you dear sister - you are so precious to me!!

Tomorrow I will go straight from work to the church to start preparing much of the rest of the meal that I will cook on Wednesday! I sure hope everything will be enjoyed since we have really gone to a lot of trouble, work, and expense to provide a "Semi-Thanksgiving" meal!!

Only one recipe tonight and that is it -- I am about to fade away!! BUT - I PROMISE it is worthy of trying. Easy - but delicious!! WHAT MORE CAN THERE BE??


Preheat oven to 250 degrees.

1 Box White Cake Mix - I like Betty Crocker's
1 Cup water
1/3 cup oil (canola - of course - you don't want to stop up your arteries!)
4 Eggs
1 tsp. vanilla (Remember - authenic Mexican is best -- and it can be bought at WalMart!)
3 large bananas, mashed - about 1-1/4th cups)
2/3 cup Chopped nuts - (I prefer walnuts for this recipe!!)

Mix all of the ingredients together and put into pans that have beeen sprayed and dusted with flour. Makes 2 large loaves or several smaller ones. Bake at 350 degrees until firm - about 30 minutes.


Bake in greased and floured 9 X 13 pan for approximately 30 minutes. Ice with following:

1/4th cup melted butter
1 -8 oz. pkg. Cream cheese (I prefer 1/3 less fat
1 Box powdered sugar or about 4 to 5 cups
1 tsp. vanilla (Remember the real thing -- Mexican!)
2/3 Cup chopped nuts

Combine and pour into prepared pan! Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.


Everyone - have a great evening and may God continue to watch over you and bless you.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Good evening!! Can't believe I was so busy I haven't written in almost a week! It truly has been a very busy and fast week! I could never tell you all that has happened and if I did - I would either lose all of you -- or you would be bored out of your mind! I will give you a short synopsis on some of it! Monday - was hairdo day - Tuesday - I actually cooked and it was very good stew! Wednesday I was very bad and took my sister to Mistletoe and Magic's Preview night - and we had a really good time. We both looked good and saw lots of pretty things and a lot of people we knew! Good sister time - even though we were in a crowd - it was good time alone! Is that an oxymoron or what???

Thursday was Veteran's Day and I went to Nacogdoches with my friend Mary - and we had a wonderful time with Jeana. Her home is beautiful and she is so sweet. Her sweet husband, Juan Carlos bought our lunch at a quaint little sandwich shop! Thanks Mary, Jeana, and Juan Carlos for a great time!!
Oh Friday was wonderful! I had Angie Hines come decorate my house -- well part of it -- for Christmas and it is wonderful! Travis had said he didn't want me to do as much this year as the past several where I put up about 9 trees. He didn't really explain - but I think he could not bear the pain of having to get it all down and then put it back!!! Anyway - I love it -- he loved it!! Angie has a knack for knowing the perfect place for everything!!!

Today - Alice, Michelle, Maura and I went to Dallas. Got a late start, got turned around, and finally showed up at Lexus at about 11:15. I was just going to have the oil changed and the right signal light repairs with a new bulb but oh no -- I was due for the 30 thousand mile checkup -- so they gave me a loaner and we headed toward the Galleria - wanted to take Maura to the American Girl Doll store -- but by the time we ate and went to Macy's -- we had to hurry back across town to get the car before 5:00. Macy's was wonderful - twice as nice (bigger and much better stocked) that the one at Northpark and probably 3 times more as Tyler.

So now you know!!! I have so many recipes for you - I really don't know where to start!! Here are a couple of great recipes for Christmas giving or keeping (the bread) and a wonderfully different salad.


3 cups flour
1 tsp.baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup butter
1 cup
granulated sugar
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
3/4 cup buttermilk
1-1/2 cups pared, cored and finely chopped apples
1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional)
1 tsp. grated orange peel
3 eggs

Combine flour, baking powder, soda and salt. Set aside. Cream butter with sugars; beat in eggs one at a time and add vanilla. Stir in buttermilk alternately with flour mixture. Fold in apples, nuts, and orange peel. Pour into two 8-1/2 X4-1/2 X2-5/8th inch greased and floured pans. (I prefer sugar to flour. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes. Makes 2 large loaves or what I prefer - 5 small loaves (for gift giving!) Wrap them in red or green tulle and tie a pretty ribbon on them!!!

Here is the other one!!


5 eggs, boiled and chopped
1 small jar pimentos
1 tube crackers, crushed
1 cup sweet pickles, chopped
1 cup red onion, chopped
3/4 pint salad dressing or to taste**
Mix all ingredients and chill before serving.

** Got to be something more healthy than salad dressing -- at least do light!!

My cousin was finally back on email tonight - had missed him and his great postings - and did not know he had had surgery. Tonight he had these thoughts which I certainly think are worthy of sharing:

The Power of Personal Treasures
Luke 12:34
“Where you keep your treasure is the place you will most want to be—and will end up being.”

Whatever it is that you value will hold a unique power over your life. You will schedule your time, spend your money, organize your plans, and expend your efforts in direct proportion to the esteem and desire you hold for that thing—whatever, or whoever it is.

When you love someone, you want to be with them as much as possible. When you love something, you want to do it as often as possible.

People who love sports are most often, if not always, found in some sport setting. People who love money are always occupied with money talk. People who love to hunt, Deer, Birds, or Ducks, (it was hard to use this one, I had rather talk about your vices) is all some want to do.

What do you treasure? Good or bad—it doesn’t matter. If you value it; if you treasure it—you will end up with it.

This puts a premium on the choices our hearts make, and highlights the great importance of making sure that the things we most cherish are heavenly, rather than hellish. For the last thing in the world you would want is for your lifelong desires to end up taking you into hell.

“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling you minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.”(Philippians 4:8)

Make sure your treasures are of such worth, that you prove to be a worthy person once they take you to be with them.

“May the Lamb that was slain receive the rewards of His suffering.”

Have a great Sunday - the best way to start it - is be in church praising God!

Thanks to each of you who take the time to read my blog!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


All in all this has been a good weekend. No - we didn't get to go some great place - but we usually don't - but church was good! Actually - it was pretty wonderful - getting to be with people that are happy, friendly, and Godly. I try to thank God daily that we are at Shiloh!! We went to a funeral - really a memorial service - this afternoon - and it was inspiring because it was the funeral of a very Godly man that lived his life serving God.

For Halloween - at work we had a Spooktacular brunch and everyone tried to see who could make or cook the most hair raising dish. Well mine was not very "hair raising" but it was good! It was called "Jack-O'-Lantern Cheeseburger Pie Recipe and you cut out the face to make it look like the Jack-O'-Lantern - but inside was the cheeseburger -- but for breakfast I substituted 1 lb. sausage for the ground meat -- so either way -- this is a great dish without the face so here is the recipe for Jack-O'Lantern Cheesburger Pie -- Just remember no Halloween face for Thanksgiving or Christmas!!!! Just some nice slits, turkeys or Christmas trees maybe!!!


1 Lb. ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, pressed
3/4th tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
2/4 cup catsup
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 (15 ounce) package refrigerated piecrust (the kind in the box and you just unfold)
1 tablespoon prepared mustard
3 cups shredded Monterey cheese, divided
2 Tablespoons water
1 large egg
(For Halloween you use Red and Yellow food coloring mixed to make orange and you paint the Jack O'Lantern orange!!)

Cook first 5 ingredients in a large skillet over medium high heat, stirring until beef crumbles and is no longer pink; drain, Stir in catsup and Worcestershire sauce; cool.
Unfold 1 piecrust, and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Spread mustard evenly over crust. Stir together meat mixture and two cups cheese; spoon onto center of crust, leaving a 2-inch border.
Unfold remaining pie crust, and either cut out jack-O'lantern face, turkeys or Christmas trees or make some large splits or round cirles. Place crust over meat mixture, crimp edges of crust, and fold under. (If making jack o' lantern - use cut outs to make a stem!

Whisk together the 2 tablespoons water and egg and brush over crust. (If painting orange - mix red and yellow coloring into this egg wash!)

Bake at 425 degrees for 20 minutes and brush again with egg wash. Fill holes, splits, trees, or turkeys with more cheese. Bake 5 to 10 more minutes or until golden brown.
This was first published in Southern Living in October 2000. It really was good for a breakfast dish with sausage substituted for the hamburger meat!!! Try it!!!

I don't think I have shared this with you - so here is my:


3 Cups mashed sweet potatoes (about 5 or 6 medium sized)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
1 small can evaporated milk
1 tsp. salt

Cool sweet potatoes, then stir in rest of the ingredients. Place in greased baking dish. (This should be pretty sweet, so taste to see if a little more sugar is needed!) Top with topping (recipe follows), and bak about 35 to 40 minutes at 350 degrees.


1/3 cup softened butter
2/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup flour
1/2 cup chopped pecans

Mix all together and spread evenly over sweet potatoes. Don't worry if it is not spread evenly - even just crumbles around over top is fine.

About the last 10 minutes - if desired top with minature marshmallows - and retun to oven.

Watch your guests as they discover the wonderful secret just underneath the marshmallows! They will love it and you will be proud of your dish!!!


Have a blessed evening and God's Will - I will return with more very soon!

Tomorrow is a great time to do a good deed for someone! There are many people out there down on their luck and out of their last dollar. Use your blessings and be a blessing to someone else! The clothes closet at West Erwin is needing all kinds of clothes (especially long sleeved men's shirts, children's clothing - and coats of all sizes!) SHARE --- SHARE ---- SHARE!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


I just can't believe what has happened -- I have written my heart out for the last hour and given two wonderful recipes -- even saved it before I published and it is gone!! I may have to find another medium for getting out my word to you -- this is so discouraging. It is late now -- and my brain feels empty - even though this was the happiest day I have had in months - quite - alone in my kitchen all day long - no stress, no TV (until late in the afternoon), no phone calls - who would call me but my sister and she didn't -- see I don't have any friends - no one that just calls to chat -- hopefully that is just a by-product of working so many years -- JUST COOKING!!! Bet you are wondering what wonderful, exotic creation I made --WRONG-I cooked Beef Stew -3 batches - gave most of it away = but also had some for home. Oh while it was cooking I made 2 cakes - one a Pumpkin Cake that used to be my signature cake - that I sold tons of, and a new cake that turned out to be delicous - a Vanilla Wafer Cake, 2 pans of Rice Krispie Candy, and 2 pans of Corn Bread - the one called "Jiffy Cornbread" published for you on January 10, 2010. (I took my Mom some of both stews - one from - well -- semi from a rescipe, and one from memory of what I've always done - like Mom always did, some corn bread, cake and rice krispie candy. She said it was the best corn bread she had ever had and asked if I had a frosting on it. I said no, just a sprinkle of cheese. I think it was the vanilla flavoring that she thought was sweet!! Yes - I am exhausted -- not from the cooking but from the cleaning up -- it took forever!!!



Preheat over to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a tube or Bundt pan well. Set aside.
In a large bowl, beat the eggs well. Mix in the remaining ingredients, beginning with the sugar. Pour the mixture into the Bundt can. Bake for 1 hour, or until a wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let it sit in the pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a plate. Allow to cool completely.

NOTE: To crush vanilla wafers, place half of a box at a time into a gallow plastic zip-lock bag and roll over them with a rolling pin or glass.

I will tell you the rest of my stories and other recipe tomorrow. May God Bless each of you and find each of you in church tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Welcome back -- hey I need someone to say that to me!!! I am back -- typing on the most beautiful "Magenta" colored Dell computer - that so far does just what I want! It offers many opportunities to learn other programs too!

Starting over is exciting and almost scary -- it has been so long that I was almost hesitant to start again --but desire won out and here I am! I have been saving recipes so I have a new supply of great ones. So much has happened since I last wrote. One thing I've learned is that you can never guess what people really are by the pretense they sometimes exhibit! I've experienced two cases of that lately and it is so sad and so disheartening when you realize someone you have really admired and looked up to - has not truly matured enough to talk to someone when they think they have been wronged or disappointed - but revert back to childlikeness - and either say cruel things or won't speak and turn their heads when you are around. It is so disappointing and if you've been hurt like we have in the past -- it hurts twice as bad! It is sad we don't read our manual for Christian living (the Bible) enough to follow its instruction. If I am not mistaken the Bible says "if you have anything against your brother - go to him" - not turn your head and walk away!

Ok - guess I've wondered away again from cooking so - back to what I enjoy so much -- not that I've done much of it this fall! I started a cake - a wonderfully delicious, rich cake that is easy too -- if you have all of the ingredients. I had actually imposed on my dear sister today to pick me up a lb. of butter and some sugar so I would be ready to make it right after church -- but I didn't realize I only had one egg -- when I needed six. It was already 9:00 p.m., and the cake cooks an hour and half so I put the butter and cream cheese (I had just beat) in the refrigerator and will try again tomorrow!! The cake never fails and is delicious so if you want to make it -- make sure you have six eggs. Here is the recipe:


2 sticks butter
1 stick oleo (or just use 3 sticks butter)
8 oz. cream cheese
6 eggs
3 cups sugar
1 Tablespoon vanilla
3 cups flour

Cream oleo, butter and cream cheese in a large bowl. Gradually add 2 eggs and sugar and vanilla. Add flour and remaining eggs (one at a time) alternately (one at a time), ending with the flour. Pour into a well greased and floured bundt pan. Bake at 300 degrees for 1-1/2 hours. Serves 12 -- or a couple of hungry people who don't want to share!!! It is very easy - it is moist and delicious!

If you've read my blog very much -- you have already figured out I love spicy dishes and dishes especially make with jalapenos. Well ---here is a wonderfully sounding casserole that was in the Tyler paper today that I can't wait to try.


16 OZ. Cream cheese
1/2 stick butter
3 Tablespoons all purpose flour
1/4 cup milk
5 - 15 oz. cans white shoe peg corn, drained
1 small can jalapenos, drained

In mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, butter, flour and milk. Stir in corn and jalapenos and mix thoroughly. Pour into a greased caserole dish and bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes. This dish is spicy, so adjust jalapenos according to taste. Serves 8.