Sunday, January 15, 2012


Another Sunday about to be over - another Sunday of good singing, sermons, and fellowship.  We especially enjoyed having my sweet niece her this afternoon.  She brings rays of sunshine wherever she is!!
Monday - a holiday!  So much I want to do - in just one short day!!  Probably won't get any of the things I need to do done - but maybe some things I want to do will suffice!   
It seems that I cooked a lot last week but nothing spectatular.  I did make some (from scratch) sweet potato fries that were delicious.  Peeled and sliced 2 large potatoes, drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with salt, pepper, and minced garlic and baked for about 25 minutes at 350 degrees!  So good!!!

Here is a Spanish Rice recipe that friends gave me.  I made it in a smaller amount and it was really good!  This one will serve at least 20!

3 Cups rice (uncooked)
1 onion - chopped
1 green bell pepper - chopped
3 cloves garlic
1 tsp.. cumin
1 8 oz. can tomato sauce
1 can Rotel tomatoes
3 cups Chicken broth
3 cups water
1 - 28 oz. can petite diced tomatoes
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. black pepper
1 stick margarine

Brown rice, onion, bell pepper, garlic, cumin, salt and pepper in stick of butter
When veggies are cooked and rice is lightly browned, add the tomato sauce, chicken broth, water, Rotel tomatoes, and petite diced tomatoes.
Add more seasonings to taste.

Start rice aboaut 2 hours before time to serve. 

This is really good with any type of Mexican food!!

Have you ever thought about how gold is refined into some of the beautiful gold jewelry we often wear?  Seems we could learn something ourselves!!

            Coming Through as Pure Gold

                                                       Job 23:10 

“But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me. I shall come forth as gold.”

In order to refine gold, a goldsmith places gold over a fire until it bubbles and glows. He skims off the impurity from the top and knows that when he can see his reflection, the gold is pure.

That is what the Lord is doing when you go through trials. When He can see His likeness reproduced in your life, He’ll know that you have become gold fit for His use and for His glory.

But, the fire is hot! Yes, but God controls it. No jeweler is more careful with his gold than a father with his children. He knows what he is doing. But, what about those things He is burning out of my life? You don’t need them. If you needed them, your loving Father would make sure you kept them.

     You’ll never know that Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.

Something to think about!!! Don't know about you but I pray God is still refining me!  Did you read the paper about the BKind29.  Be kind to someone every day for the next 29 days -- example was pray for a friend, take a meal to someone, write a note, send a card -- easy things all of us can do -- if the entire community or even our church members did this for 29 days - well - for one it would become a habit - two - the community would  be a better place!  I challenge each of you - my readers to join me in this effort.  I am going to try - may fail - but it won't be because I didn't start it and try!!  Join me!!!

Have a great evening - and for each of you - I pray you have a fruitful week!

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