Thursday, January 19, 2012


Good evening.  So many thoughts going through my head - I don't know where to start!  First and foremost on my mind is a dear sweet young lady that is having medical problems that are not at this moment as settled as we had hoped and prayed.  She has a special place in my heart because three and a half years ago when we made a change, she was so sweet, friendly, and non-judgmental - that she won a place in our hearts that will always be there.  Our prayers are with her and her family.  We know she is in God's hands and he will be with her! 

It seems like it has been a long week although I had a holiday on Monday -- but oh man, Tuesday is when you make up for any fun you had on Mondays!!  Looking forward to a weekend with my family!  Then I have to get in high gear, figure out how much food I need, determine a schedule, etc. - for Wednesday night when our team cooks for church!  So far - I know we will have Herb Crusted Baked Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, Spinach Salad with apples and grapes, feta, and drizzled with homemade olive oil vinaigrette.  Dessert - who knows at this hour.  Trying to make this healthy but a little pie never hurt anyone, did it?? 

Tonight I made a "healthy" Taco Salad.  There are ways to cut the calories and make it more healthy.  That is what I did tonight!!  Well - unless you eat until you can't hold another bite - something I think my husband did tonight.  Bless his heart - he is always so tired - he often even forgets to say it was good, bad or whatever.  But I usually can judge by the amount eaten!

Healthy Taco Salad

1 Pkg. Honeysuckle White Ground Turkey (About 2 lbs.)
3 cloves garlic, pressed or minced
1 Can Kidney Beans with Jalapenos (or whatever kind of bean you want), drained
1 head lettuce
2 Tomatoes, cut into oblong slices
1 Red Onion, sliced into strips
1 Avacado, sliced
1 pkg. McCormick's Mild Taco Seasoning
Black pepper to taste
1/4 th chopped hot Jalapeno\
1/2 cup frozen whole kernel corn
Baked TOSTITO Scoops
Kraft Free Thousand Island fat free dressing (or Catalina or French)
In nonstick skillet, cook turkey and minced garlic and jalapeno until all of the red is gone from meat.  Add black pepper to taste and about 1/4 pkg of the Taco seasoning.  Add the drained beans and corn.  Continue to heat until all is heated.

Wash and dry lettuce, break about 3/4th head into small pieces.  Add onion, tomato, avocado, and meat mixture.  Stir well!  I always save a little of the onion, avocado and tomato to place on top - for presentation!  Then most people add the chips and dressing to the entire bowl of salad - but for a healthier dish - I put the chips and dressing on the table.  Each person placed a few scoops on plate, loaded with salad and then put desired amount of dressing on each one's salad.  The idea was not to sog down the salad and any leftovers would not be soggy -- well tonight - there was only a little lettuce left!  ha - not to worry about leftovers!  I could have added cheddar cheese but was not missed and it lightened the dish!!!  Go with you heart!!!

Well guess  that is it  for now!  Hope you are thinking of joining my challenge of  doing something special for someone for 29 days straight and it becoming a habit.  May God keep each of you in His Care!

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