Sunday, February 19, 2012


No - I have not forsaken my faithful readers - of course, by now - they may have all moved on to bigger and better blogs.  Believe me - I have seen some wonderful ones since I have been looking at and posting from Pinterest - and I think those may have intimidated me to the point I was not happy with mine.  But with that said - let me tell you what I have going on right this moment!  I am roasting red and yellow bell peppers, along with a jalapeno and a tomato.  I cut the peppers, tomato, and pepper in half, wiped the outside with olive oil, placed them face down on a foil covered pan and put them in the oven with the broiler on high.  They smell so good and are almost charred which is what they must be to be able to peel them and have that wonderful roasted flavor.  In about 3 minutes they will come out of the oven and be put in a brown paper bag for about 20 minutes.  Then the skin should just fall right off and they will be ready to be used.   What am I  going to do with all of those peppers.  I am going to attempt to make Red Pepper Soup.  Travis and I went to Fredericksburg last weekend and we had dinner one night at the restaurant at Trios Village.  It was an awesome meal and after some Bruchetta that was the best we had ever had, we were served the Red Pepper Soup.  I have looked at about a dozen or two recipes and none seem to exactly capture the recipe Chef Elvis (can you believe that?) used or created -- so Chef JC is going to create her own -- just by the few things I was able to get out of the waiter!!  Ummmm - the kitchen smells so good and peppers look so good! After I get it made and we think it really passes the taste test - I will give you the recipe! 

Beautiful charred peppers!!

Travis is going to be gone the first three days of the week, but  on either Monday or Tuesday, I am going to make Sweet Potato Soup - and I know it is good because I have had it before!


2 Large Sweet Potatoes
1 Onion, chopped
1 Granny Apple, chopped
1-1/2  tsp. ground cumin
2 Cups Water
2 Tablespoons concentrated Apple Juice
1-1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1/8th tsp. cinnamon
Plain Greek Yogurt
Fresh Cilantro

1.  Peel and chop 3/4 pound sweet potatoes (2 large)
2.  Peel and chop one onion
3.  Peel and chop one Granny Smith apple
Set aside.

4.  In a heavy pot or dutch oven, toast 1-1/2 tsp. of ground cumin over medium high heat.   Shake the pan or stir until it becomes fragrant (only about 3 minutes.)
5.  Add 2 Cups of water, 2 Tablespoons frozen concentrated apple juice, salt, pepper, cinnamon, and chopped vegetables.
6.  Bring to a boil; cover, reduce the heat to low and simmer until sweet potatoes are soft.  (Takes about 20 minutes.)
7.  Transfer to a blender or food processor and puree.  Be sure and allow the steam a place to escape or use the hand held stick blender.
8.  Pour back into the original pot and add 1/2 cup skim milk.  Stir and reheat.
9.  Garnish with a spoon of plain Greek Yogurt and fresh cilantro.

This is very rich (but not in a fat way), creamy and filling.  It could be a main course with salad and good crusty bread.  This soup really is so good!!!

Now here are some words of encouragement that my cousin sent me.  I think they are worth repeating!
After “Fighting the good Fight”
                                              1Timothy 6:12

“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.”

Some of the greatest spiritual defeats you will ever have will follow some of your highest spiritual victories. Jonah, Moses, and Elijah—all these men learned this. Why does this happen?

Because we are tired and feel we can just coast awhile. We think, “Didn’t God bless and give us a great victory?” But what we forget is that the devil is clever. He knows just when to pull the rug out from under us.

Let me give you a little advice: Although the remaining effects of yesterday’s blessing will bless you, you cannot coast on yesterday’s blessings. God has made you so that you cannot live by experiences. You must live by Jesus Christ one day at a time.

 Every day you experience victory, be on your guard. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”(1Peter5:8) This is the time to be “on alert,” and more submitted than ever to Jesus as Lord.  

“The sprit of God uses the word of God to make the child of God more like the Son of God.”

Ok - post note on the Red Pepper Soup!  Had to wait until after church to peel the peppers and then it was too late to start the soup -- so recipe will come later  ---BUT -- here is something I learned - something important:  after you take the peppers out of the sack -- don't try to peel with warm water - makes the task very hard - but if you use cold water, the skins come right off!  I also roasted some garlic at the same time - but after coating with olive oil, I wrapped the cloves in foil and put them on the same time I roasted the peppers.  Oh - one more thing -- about the brown paper bags -- I had been told to use brown paper bag and then some had said use a plastic bag.  Well the peppers got the paper bag so wet, that when I picked the bag up - the bottom fell out --- so I recommend the plastic bag!!  Oh - and the roasted garlic -- good enough to put on ice cream.  Roasting the garlic brings out a very rich, sweet tasting paste when clove is pressed. Enough cooking for the evening.  Have a great week and do something wonderful for someone else!  And may God watch over each of you until we visit again!!!

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