Thursday, February 2, 2012


Wow!  It is already Thursday and only one more day until the weekend!  I can’t believe I am just now getting to write but every night I seemed to get busy (Pinterest takes a lot of time!) and look up and it is already after 10 p.m., and my brain is going to sleep!

Have you seen the move “COURAGOUS?” I missed it at the theatre but bought it and it is really a good movie!  I recommend it!

You know you can just drive down the streets and see that this indeed is a “fallen world.”  Just this morning  on my way  to work, there was a man (probably in 40’s or 50’s) walking down the sidewalk, turned in at Sonic, walked all the way around it, came out into the street, walked up the center for a distance, and then went on across the street.  You could tell he was just walking aimlessly, with no place in mind to go!  It is really sad to just open your eyes and look around!  I know I immediately just thanked God for the blessing he has given me. 

I am going to repost a couple of recipes that are true winners – and even I often can’t find a recipe that I posted a year ago on this blog.  The first is what I call my “Mile High Chocolate Pie.”  It gets lots of raves and disappears quickly!
                                                      MILE HIGH CHOCOLATE PIE
                                                                             Jon Carole Gilbreath
1-1/4 cup sugar
½ cup all purpose flour
½ tsp. salt
½ cup cocoa
4 egg yolks - beat well
2 Cups milk (2% or whole works best)
½ stick of butter
1 tsp. vanilla
1 Cooked Pie Crust for 9 inch pie

Combine the sugar, flour, salt and cocoa in medium sized sauce pan and stir until well blended.

Beat egg yolks until well combined and add to the 2 cups milk.  Slowly stir a small amount of milk into the sugar/flour mixture and stir until well blended and smooth.  Slowly add the remaining milk, careful to not have lumps of chocolate or flour left.  Add the butter.  Turn heat to medium and continue stirring mixture.  Once all is well blended and butter starts to melt, turn the heat up enough to get the mixture hot enough to start to bubble and thicken.  Allow to cook 2 minutes until nice and thick.  Remove from stove and add vanilla flavoring.  Then immediately pour into crust or leave in saucepan, but quickly cover either with plastic wrap and press it down against the filling. Once the Mile High Meringue is ready, remove the plastic wrap and pile the meringue onto the pie, making sure it touches the crust all the way around.  (I like to fluff the icing up to show it off)  Place in 350 degree oven and check after about 10 minutes.  Continue to cook until meringue is golden brown!

6 egg whites (use four left from eggs to make filling, plus 2 more)
1 Tablespoon baking powder (yes, baking powder is much better than Cream of Tarter)
2/3 cup sugar
½ tsp. vanilla
Combine the egg whites, baking powder, and vanilla in mixer and beat on high until the meringue begins to make soft peaks.  Slowly, slowly add the sugar and continue beating until nice peaks will stand up.  Be careful and don’t beat too long or it will become dry and will separate on the cake.

Place on top of pie filling and bake for 10 to 20 minutes until golden brown.  Everyone will be envious of the tall and beautiful pie!
The other one is my Hash Brown Potato Casserole, another favorite that goes well with almost all meats!

                                                                                Jon Carole Gilbreath
1-32 oz. pkg. frozen country style (with onions and peppers)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
12 oz. grated cheddar or American (I prefer the Mexican Style)
1- 8 oz. sour cream
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. pepper
2 cloves garlic, pressed
¼ tsp. cayenne pepper* optional (I always use!!)
½ onion, chopped

2 cups crushed corn flakes – good seasoned with garlic salt, dash of anything else to give it flavor (or what I do for company is buy one package “Potato Toppers” and use that and 1 cup of crushed corn flakes!)
1/2 cup melted butter

Place thawed potatoes in a 9 X 13 inch casserole dish.  Mix together the next 8 ingredients and pour over potatoes.  Top with corn flakes, and drizzle melted butter over all.  Bake uncovered, at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to one hour.

Here is something to think about!

Defense Attorney Has Been Appointed For You

When a person is in jail and cannot afford an attorney, the county will appoint one.

If he is lucky, he might get my dear friend Keith Orsburn (Ors-burn) (if the inmate calls him Osborn he will refuse to represent him) Just kidding, but he is touchy.

1 John 2:1

“My little children, these things write I to you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”

The way to deal with your sins is for you to confess---that means, you are to begin by agreeing with God as to what He says about your sin. You need to also confidently deal with your sin. Now, what do I mean by that?

 You have your Attorney who has been appointed you when you go into the judge’s chambers for adjudication. According to God’s word, you have an Advocate, which is another name for attorney.

The devil is the prosecuting attorney who points the accusing finger at us and says, “Look at him!” And Jesus the defense attorney, stands by our side and says, “But Father, look at Me. I shed My blood for him.” Because Jesus died, our debt is paid. Though our sins are as scarlet, He will wash them white as snow!

Jesus comes and says “Today, Let Me be your Advocate, if not then tomorrow I will be your Righteous Judge!!” See you at the Great White Throne! Rev.20:11

          “May the Lamb that was slain receive the rewards of His suffering.”

Have a wonderful evening and enjoy your weekend.  Check out my boards on Pinterest – lots of neat ideas, recipes, and quotes.

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